Ludum Dare- Tinytanic: It sinks magnificently
After hours and hours of hard, hard labor, we’re finally finished with Tinytanic 0.8! There are still some things we’re going to fix in the coming week, but we’re really proud of what we’ve created with the Abbey team!
Behold, the very sinkable Tinytanic!
You can play the game HERE, at our website, or if it’s to heavy you can download it HERE. Features consist of:
- Throwing people of the Tinytanic
- Bashing people of the Tinytanic
- Shoot people of the Tinytanic
- Make others do that to an unlucky target
- Survive the unluckiest ship in the world
- 80 unique characters who are dying to meet you
- Many little secrets…hehe
We hope you enjoy the game, and do come by here to see how the polished game is going to look like! For all those jammers out there: Good job! We’ve seen some pretty cool stuff out there. We particularly loved the livestream concert given by FireFighter Scott!

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