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Hey! Pssst! We’re looking for someone…

Maybe you already noticed, but we now have a jobs section here on the website.  At the moment we’re looking for 2D Artists, so if you’re a talented artist (or you know one), take a look there! P.S. We will soon release a lot more information about the game we’re working on!    

Adriaan Jansen

Production FTW

Here at the Abbey we achieve greatness with our customized development method. When we applied this super awesome development method, our production efforts doubled, NO TRIPLED! Quadrupled?.. tl;dr: Scrum but not really. Team divided in two; production and pre-production. It works great for us.

Bas Zalmstra
businessCodingGame Design


So you’re probably wondering, “Hey, where are the new blog posts?”. Well, we’re currently in a transition. Since March 19th, we are legally, officially a company and with that, we decided that we needed a new name, logo and website. I’m working very hard on the above-mentioned right now. Hopefully somewhere next week we’ll be able […]

Maarten Wiedenhof

This week is an exciting week

As Jacco pointed out, we currently work in a windowless basement, our already pale faces lit only by the bleak white light coming from our monitors. However, the Dutch Game Garden might have a new place for us: an actual office – with windows – in the very center of Utrecht. This week they’ll inform […]

Maarten Wiedenhof
Among the GiantsArtbusiness

Where do those guys work?

Hi, it’s Jacco again. This week I will show you where we work and explain why tools are essential for game development  on a bigger scale.

Bram van Lith

Martian Flytrap adventures: The Dutch Game Garden Lunch Part Deux

Hi guys and girls! For the ones who don’t know me: I am Lucas van den Bemd, a 22-year-old student from Utrecht and I joined the Martian Flytrap team last week. My main purpose? To make sure that things get done on time! Unfortunately, I don’t have any experience in the field yet. At the […]

Bram van Lith
Among the Giantsbusiness